Sunday 31 January 2010

Casilero del diablo

Sorry for the lack of posts - I went home last weekend to see my family
& I've been busy with uni & assisting stylist Alexis Knox with her freelance work & some stuff @ Notion magazine.
Monday she styled & I dressed models for a Vidal Sassoon fashion show >>>
The creative director, David was such a lovely guy and the show looked great
Alexis is busy busy busy with the lead up to to fashion week -
whilst styling a new 'Diesel' campaign she also flew to Berlin
this weekend to style new German band, Deine Jugend's latest videoThis week I've been helping out by doing general admin & getting the outfits ready for the shoot. I even got to pull a few pieces from the laden showrooms which is exciting!
the Notion office >>>
Some of the clothes & accessories were amazing. I love Manish Arora

Thursday 21 January 2010


Ive just got back from watching James Cameron's Avatar. Wasn't too fussed about seeing the movie on the big screen but my friend Henry dragged me along.
He's been dying to watch it for AGES!
I'm glad I did see it in 3D though because the electric colours were amazing
The jellyfish/bird creatures and blue people very much reminded me of
Basso & Brooke's pre-collection for February's Fashion WeekIf you go see this film, don't expect...
1.a great script
or 2.amazing story line = slightly predictable
but definitely go see it for the animation (obviously) and
Zoe Saldana's performanceGirls grown up since 'Crossroads'

Wednesday 20 January 2010


Danny Roberts
check out his blog
I'm in love with this guy's art
I start my illustration work next week
so this stuff is such an inspiration.

Currently listening to the Smiths &
buying Tracey Anderson's dvd
....not Spanx
Tres excited for
Jedward avec Vanilla Ice at the NTA awards

I found my camera

Monday 18 January 2010


Thanks G

Sunday 17 January 2010


Love reading new-ish Janet Street Porter
According to sunday times style,
just six minutes with your nose in a book reduces stress by 68%
Watching 'Rushmore'
it's making me
anticipate the release of Fantastic Mr.Fox on DVD

love abit of Wes

roll up. roll up

Circus rolled into Shoreditch Friday night
Change of venue from Ghost in Farringdon
( which i loved last time )
to Concrete in the tea roomsThe night was hosted by Jodie Harsh with Alexis Knox
and Mat Horne DJ'ing
love love love
my new chelsea boots


Thursday 14 January 2010


.River Island Rocks Epsom.
Our team, Clotheshorse is through to the next stage in the competition
you can follow our progress on twitter
look forward to the big event just finished watching the first episode of 'Material Girl'
BBC1's answer to Ugly Betty. That comparison is a joke!
This show totally stereotypes the fashion industry
To some it up in one word. BAD
Lets just say I won't be watching episode 2

Oh and guess what.....The bowl cut is back.

Friday 8 January 2010

Fionn (FINN)

Yesterday I dressed models for Firetrap's A/W10 collection
Alexis and the notion magazine team were so lovely.
Her styling is amazing
My model, Fionn on the otherhand........

Mecia, last years winner of
Britain's Next Top Model
was also walking the show.Fun day and aftershow party
back to the real world now
Mondays deadline is looming

Special thanks to Lucy

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Come dine with me

It's snowing everywhere else in the U.K apart from in London. typical.
I want a snow day so I can make
snow angels and sledge down primrose hill!
Lets hope my family can fly home safely tonight...

My styling project sketchbook's 1&2 are coming along slowly but surely.
My deadline is monday so i've got to stay f.o.c.u.s.e.d
It's all about the 'new' sub-culture Glunge. Glamourous grunge.
Watching Come dine with me is so much more attractive to me at the moment.
However the show is making me crave sweet stuff like a bitch.
Oh well. no chocolate fudge cake for me.
I'm off to play my other vice...fifa10

All work no play makes jack a dull boy.

Monday 4 January 2010


I'm loving Marina and the diamonds debut right now.
The cover art is tres Andy Warhol's Interview Magazine

Listen to tracks 'I am not a robot', 'Mogwli's road' and 'Seventeen'.

Of noble kind

Model: Alys Rhiannon
3rd Test shoot

a été et allé

I'm in London & it's good to be back.
Christmas has been and gone.
I got to see my great-aunt Bettie and cousin, Josh
all the way from America.
Argued a little too much with my dad and sister - but that's home.
Loud and proud.
Ate far too much chocolate and drank TOO much wine.
Cherished time with my nan and the Bevan's
whilst the rest of the family jetted off to Egypt.
New Year was tres bien avec Gavin.

We watched The Shining then danced and drank the night away!!!.2009 was divine and 2010 is mine.