Saturday 19 December 2009

Thursday 17 December 2009

babe in the wood

Model: Sophie Angel Ford
2nd test shoot

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Love in the asylum

Dylan Thomas poems and Twenty8twelve fill my day.
.not forgetting the custard creams.Seeing Rumi from Fashiontoast wearing these kinda breaks my heart.
Maybe I should of purchased the £100 beauties
at Jimmy Choo's pre-launch....
no money for food or travel but they were worth it. (sigh)
"Que sera sera, what will be will be"

Monday 14 December 2009

écouter to this

Cheryl Cole's track 'Parachute'


This weekend I conquered Gaga's
bad romance routine & too much chinese food.

"J'veux ton amour
Et je veux ton revenge
J'veux ton amour
I don't wanna be friends..."
All I want for Christmas is you....
Givenchy lace-up textured leather boots.

Friday 11 December 2009


The last thing I said to you was don't leave me here.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Vent. much for maintenance. i'm back now.
Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat.

Friday 16 October 2009


I can't believe it's friday already. Where has this week gone?
Probably the same place that bottle of vodka went.
& the box of wine.
Lauren Blane, fashion editor of Wonderland & stylist Jemma Sawyer
came in today to round up fashion week & talk about styling.

I feel like writing more but my brains turned to mush.
Laters haters.

Sunday 11 October 2009

She + him

Just got back from the cinema, we finally got to see (500) days of summer.
Such a cute film with an amazing soundtrack.
Carla Bruni's voice, la musique à mes oreilles.
The story really reminded me of boyfriends past + present.
The main character is called Tom Hanson
which is my elder brothers name.
Everytime they mentioned "Tom Hanson" made me smile.
Gavin said he's going to give me an education in the Smiths &
'it's about time'. die by your side, is such a heavenly way to die...
R.I.P Stephen Gately

Friday 9 October 2009


It must be winter soon as I've woken my trapper hat out of hibernation.
Braving the cold, I traveled to Brick lane to take some photo's with Mr.McGill.
His friend Shauna is in this month's I.D so
we bought a copy. & a copy of ELLE. & a copy of V.
I spend too much money on magazines but lady gaga's tan was just too hard to resist.
I love tan&Chardonnay - 0ui.

Thursday 8 October 2009


I've been air brushing photographs of my father & Madonna all morning.
Photoshop really does help roll back the hands of time and all those h
ard year's of politics & purple leotards.
A productive afternoon followed, watching re-runs
of 'the OC' with my friend Henry.
Imogen Heap gets me every time.
November's Vogue + Gavin = reminiscing about my love of
Shona Heath's work.
& free cake from EAT.
R.I.P Irving Penn.

Monday 5 October 2009

Would you like fries with that?

My day was all about typography.
A two hour lecture on one font - Helvetica.
After a weekend at Sainsbury's &
the current weather conditions (rain with more rain)
Helvetica was just what I needed on a Monday afternoon.
Luckily flower's from la beau & handing my notice in
cheered me right up.

I finish on Halloween.

Friday 2 October 2009

Red Wine

Ryan styled by me. He loves it
I'm off to eat cookie dough Haargen Das & drink lots of wine

Thursday 1 October 2009

Flat 4

I've been watching designers past collection's on Youtube.
Hussein Chalayan's S/S 07 is tres Jetson's chic.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Cola Cube

I'm stuck in a fashion rut.
I need to wake up from my leggings coma.
I tried to move onto jeans but got stuck in some jeggings.
Antidote = shopping with my mum.
She'll sort me out.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Yellow jacket

Today has been one of those days.
On the train into uni, I got stung on the neck by a wasp!
It felt like I had been tattooed against my will but no,
just left with a mark that resembled a hickey.
Not a good look.
After enduring
contextual studies,
I finally bought 'Devil wears Prada' to cheer myself up.
I've read the book but
after my first time watching it in its entirety, I must say
it really is like American Vogue.
Fabulous Darling.

Monday 28 September 2009

meal deal

Amelia Gregory, the very Eco-aware editor from Amelia's magazine
visited today.
advised to be persistent but not annoying.
oh & to join twitter.

Press delete. Press fast forward

So I started posting on Thursday & it's now Monday. Somehow whilst lusting over the tuna melt my boyfriend brought me home from work & listening to Lykki Li,
I've just deleted them all.

Basically last week my September Issue DVD finally arrived,
I discovered Grace Coddington & the Chinese on Leather Lane isn't that good anymore.
Fresh start anyone? Yes please.


This is my first attempt at
creating & maintaining a blog.
My name is Amy


I'm living and working in London.